In my association with Calcutta Business School over the past few years I have seen a strong urge to re-evaluate thr course curriculum, the teaching methods, the specializations offered in terms of dual majors etc.
I have also seen the need to extend the current internship programs for the benefits of students, understanding the current ongoing trend across sectors & many more.
Management education is vital and CBS is playing an excellent role through its modern curriculum, its training to students, placing them & creating entrepreneurial skills within the region. The faculty and the resources of school are both excellent. I have followed its progress closely and I wish CBS all the best
Rudra Chatterjee-Managing Director, Luxmi Group
Shabarna Roy-Senior V.P, Business Development, Electrosteels Castings Ltd.
The education management PGDM program is a revolutionary movement in the world of academia.
I highly a recommend this course for all the professionals in the education industry.
Fortunate to be invited for Udyami 2021 organised by CBS. Truly amazed to see the immense potential of the participants. The concepts was very interesting that the students presented, for e.g. Pencil with a plant seed, so when the pencil becomes small we can sow the pencil in the soil & a plant will grow. I wish CBS all the very best in their future endeavors.
Smita Chatterjee - CEO of Centrix
Dhruba Mukherjee- CEO, ABP Limited
I found the students to be very passionate and very participative. The faculties are aligned to the changing needs of the corporate world and focussed.